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Visiting Nairobi National Park

Kenya National Park

Planning to go on a safari in Kenya but still wondering on the right destination to take have this trip? The only city national park on the African continent – Nairobi national park has got you covered. Situated south of the capital city Nairobi, the park is fenced on three sides where the open southern boundary allows the migrating of wildlife to move free between the park and the adjacent Kitengela plains. Nairobi national park mainly attracts herbivores animals especially during the dry season.

Despite its strategic location and small size, the national park is a home to a large population of wildlife and it is known as one of Kenya’s most successful rhinoceros’ sanctuaries. With an area of approximately 117 square kilometers, Nairobi national park was the first national park to be established in Kenya in the year 1946 after removing the Maasai pastoralists, the ancestral inhabitants of the area.

Flora of the park  

Nairobi national park is dominated by open grass plain with scattered Acacia bushes and its western uplands are covered by highland dry forest while the lower slopes are grasslands. It features a permanent river in the south which is covered by the riverine forests. Also, the park has broken bush and deep rocky valleys and gorges around some areas. The flora species in the valleys of some parts of the park are predominantly acacia and Euphorbia candelabrum. Other species at the park include Apodytes domidiata, Canthium schimperiana and Newtonia species.

Faunal species of the park

Nairobi national park is known for hosting a large population of wildlife including the lions, leopards, black rhinoceros, hippos, spotted hyena, blue wildebeest, plains zebra, cheetah, Thomson’s gazelle, Grant’s gazelle, common eland, hartebeest, waterbuck, common warthog, olive baboon, common ostrich, common eland, Nile crocodile, waterbuck, giraffe, and many others. The park also has a high diversity of bid species with up to 500 both the permanent and migratory species. These birds can mostly be seen around the man-made dams and also some aquatic species can be spotted there.

Safari attractions in Nairobi National Park

Wildlife species

With an area of approximately 117 square kilometers, Nairobi national park is a home to several wildlife species including both small and big mammals. Among these include; Cape buffalo, black rhino, gazelle, impala, giraffes, elands, cheetah, zebras, coke’s hartebeest, baboon, waterbucks, common warthog, lions, leopards and many others.

Bird species

Despites its size and location, Nairobi national park is one of the best birder’s havens in Kenya hosting to more than 500 bird species including both the permanent and migratory species. Among these birds include; black-headed heron, blacksmith lapwing, common moorhen, ostrich, secretary birds, pallid harrier, long tailed fiscal, martial eagle, and many others.

Impala observation point

This is among the highest points in Nairobi national park where a guest can view the impalas clearly in the open plains of the park. Also, the point can be used as a picnic site where tourists dine as they are enjoying the wildlife.

Nairobi Animal Orphanage

This serves as a rehabilitation and treatment center for wildlife in Nairobi national park. Among the animals treated at the center include; hyenas, jackals, serval cats, leopards, rare Sokoke cats, baboons, monkeys, warthogs, lions, cheetahs and buffalos. Also, the center takes care of the injured and sick birds including guinea fowl, crown crane, parrot, ostrich and many others. the center provides an excellent view of different wildlife during various safari experiences like game drives.

David and Daphne Sheldrick Elephant orphanage

This is a rescue and treatment center for the elephants and other wildlife species like rhinos. After receiving the treatment and getting well, the elephants are taken to Tsavo national park. Learn more about elephants and their conservation when you visit David and Daphne Sheldrick Elephant orphanage at Nairobi national park.

Safari activities in Nairobi national park

Game drives and viewing

Enjoy a guided game drive around the different driving trails of the park. Game drives at Nairobi national park takes place at different times of the day that is morning, afternoon and in the evening. During the drive, spot a number of wildlife species including lions, elephants, leopards, giraffes, zebras, warthogs, elands, and many others.

Guided nature walks/ hikes

Hike through the rainforests of the park by the guidance of an experienced park ranger and enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the park as you spot different wildlife species in the park. Nairobi national park is known for its beautiful vegetation cover that home several colorful bird species and small animals.

Bird watching

Hosting over 500 bird species, Nairobi national park is surely a perfect destination to the birders. Among the bird species in the park include the endemic and migratory such as ostriches, secretary birds, pallid harrier, crowned crane, white headed vulture, corncrake, and many others. The park has experienced birders who will help you enjoy the experience.

How to reach Nairobi national park

Nairobi National Park can be reached by the use of both road and air means of transport.

By road: The national park is reached after drive of approximately 10 kilometers from the capital of Kenya – Nairobi.

By air: Nairobi national park can be accessed by flight from Jomo Kenyatta international airport and Wilson airport.

The park entry gates include Langata gate, Maasai gate, Mbagathi gate, Banda gate and KWS headquarters.

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