At Eagles Crag Lodge we’re passionate about the conservation of nature and the animals within the reserve, this includes introducing our guests to our Animal Rehabilitation Centre, one of the many activities offered during a stay with us.

The Shamwari Rehabilitation Centre is amongst the best in southern Africa and is fully registered to provide veterinary care to young, abandoned, orphaned or injured animals. On arrival, guests are met by a member of the caring team, who show them the facilities and explain what it is that they do.

During the recovery phase, animal ‘patients’ are kept in custom built bomas. We have a wonderful and dedicated team that tend to these animals and ensure that they are given the treatment needed as well as plenty of love before they are released back into the wild.

An opportunity to meet them should arise provided there are patients in the bomas. In addition, our special Kids on Safari programme, aimed specifically towards younger guests, will also have the opportunity to visit the animals currently under the team’s care.

We currently have two orphaned rhinos, Noelle and Winston, in our Rhino Rehabilitation Enclosure. They are both white rhinos from neighbouring game reserves and after being in our care for a little under a year, they are fighting fit. They love their milk and our veterinary team have done an excellent job in providing them with care and a safe environment to flourish. Human contact is kept to the bare minimum as they will be released back into the wild at a later stage in the year.

There are a number of other animals that Eagles Crag guests can visit at our centre. Currently – just to mention a few – we have a gorgeous zebra calf called Zoe. She is an extremely loving calf that absolutely adores the team that cares for her. We also have a black wildebeest named Rudi and he is great friends with Annie, a red hartebeest. Harry is a duiker that was found on a neighbouring farm when he was a week old and has been hand raised. Once Harry has made a full recovery he will released into the reserve.

All these wild animals have different stories and unique personalities, along with the other animals that guests can see at our centre.


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