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To Go Self-drive or Not in East Africa

East Africa Self drive

To go self-drive or not in East African still needs an approval before deciding. Several travelers find themselves in the state of confusion when it comes to deciding which will be the best traveling option on a trip to East Africa. It’s well known that East Africa is one of the richest zones as far as safari adventures are concerned.

There are sundry retort from some travelers on the idea of going for self-drive or not. First and foremost, East Africa is an adventure park that gathers much of Africa’s adventure encounters. Traversing through this beautiful natural wonder someone always travelers are wondering what should be the best way to explore the region.

East African tourist destinations have featured in a number of travel accolades on the world level. And these destinations have been named by several world recognized travel advisory centers as the best tourist destination to travel to.

When deciding for a drive to any of the East African countries, keep knowing that you’re traveling to the ranking tourist destination. However, the mode of traveling may also matter to give the kind of experience one would like.

Several travelers are always articulating on the benefits of self-drive, and as well others are giving advice not to temper with self-drive on a trip to East Africa. Both writers might be right in one way or the other, but all starts with planning.

Then, when wishing to explore the sun setting destination, for self-drive trip in East Africa is the best way to explore the region in unhurried travel package. Don’t be at the center of confusion, for either going for a self-drive or not. So, taking either a self-drive or not, on a trip in East African can only depend on the desire of the travelers.

Is self-drive worthy or not?

The Africa’s sun raising side is more worthy a self-drive than anywhere else according to this opinion. With plenty of amazing encounters that every traveler can wish not to miss on their travel plan. Among these amusements include the annual wild drama of wildebeests migrate from Maasai Mara to Serengeti. Trek gorilla, amazing mountain climbing, track chimpanzees, watching various amazing water bodies (lakes and rivers), watching the big five and variety of wild species among many others.

Though all are possible and very amazing, but still travelers would wish to know and understand is it possible to self-drive around? It’s very possible to drive in any of the East African country one would wish. The East African region is formed with 3 countries of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. However, there was a formation of the East African Community which was very vital in bringing all about 7 countries to the region.

The landscape that gently roll throughout the region makes it easy and worthy for travelers to explore the best of the region.

Why should go self-drive in East Africa

It’s safe to drive in any of the East African countries. There is limited cases of crime rates and insecurity rates. The East African region is a rich adventure destination which is a perfect trace abundance of wildlife. There are several reasons why many of the travelers have decide to explore this adventure majestic spot by themselves.

First and foremost self-drive road trip can possibly be done throughout the year.  The weather situation of the region is divided into two, the dry and wet/rainy seasons of which are not severe. The 4×4 safari customized vehicles for adventures can possibly cruise you throughout in any weather.

A self-drive in east Africa is easy, both first time cruisers and advanced can drive safely while on a self-drive. The roads reaching many of the tourist destinations though unpaved but still are clear for driving.

A self-drive route that covers Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda is one of Africa’s most rewarding driving route. The route leads to exploring almost Africa’s ultimate adventures like gorilla trekking, watching abundance of wildlife, several bird species, and the amazing wild annual event of the wildebeest migration. Interacting with world’s most hospitable people, and learning their cultures is among the packages of a self-drive road trip.

Where to go a self-drive in East Africa?

There is quite several and abundant potential areas/destinations to focus while on a self-drive in East Africa. The region has 4 three countries geographically but, the boundaries have been politically extended forming a community of seven member countries.

However, with a tourism concentration and adventure requirements of travelers, currently 4 member states are positioned amazing tourist destinations. And indeed, taking a self-drive through the 4 countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.

Destinations to explore on a self-drive in East Africa by countries are; Tanzania, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Manyara, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam beaches, and Nyerere park, and many others. Among the adventures, done include; wildebeest migration, game viewing, culture, Oceanic white sand beaches and history.

Kenya is another thrilling tourist terminus in Africa at general, the country boosts over several game parks and reserves. Among these are; Amboseli, Maaisa Mara, Sambura, Mt. Kenya, L. Nakuru, Tsavo, Nairobi among many others.

Uganda is an interior beauty of East Africa, it possess much of African beauty that makes it the Pearl of Africa. A self-drive to Uganda’s tourist terminus is the easiest among these countries. Major destinations to drive to include; Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley, Queen Elizabeth, Bwindi Impenetrable, L. Mburo, Jinja city among others.

Rwanda is very amazing destination for self-driving on shorter routes, the longest drive in Rwanda from one point to another can be a 6 hours’ drive from Nyengwe south of Rwanda to Volcanos North of Rwanda. For unburdened drives, take self-drive to Rwanda, and the major destinations are Volcanos, Nyungwe, Akagera and Giswati Mukara. Major adventures to explore; gorillas trekking, chimpanzee tracking, wildlife game viewing, among others.

The region is a wider, with a lot of thrilling offers to explore. Don’t care on how to drive, roads to almost all destinations are clear and relatively okay to cruise through.

Why should not take a self-drive in East Africa?

Though, it’s amazing to go for a self-drive on your self-guided tour throughout the East African destinations. It’s important to understand that self-drive here is not for faint hearted. Rather for adventurous travelers who don’t dear about weather or conditions of roads.

When you’re of short temper, it’s advisable to consider a fully guided tour or even renting a car with a driver. There are many reasons why one should never consider taking a self-drive when opting to explore this amazing terminus of East Africa.

Poor roads that can terminate your vehicle at any time of your drive. A mechanical breakdown into the wilderness is a hell, this comes with delayed rescue from your car rental operators and sometimes even getting mechanics to some areas is a bit challenging.

Other challenges with a self-drive road trips are path finding is very challenging with poor network witnessed in several parks and reserves, traffic flow and laws among many others.

And the last but not the least obstacle to self-drive in East Africa is about the danger of using older vehicles, most of the vehicles used are older of 2005 and below which in most case though are maintained on perfect mechanical conditions but can easily find fault hindrances.


Generally, self-drive in East Africa is okay, and any travelers can decide for the experience. However, there are challenges which don’t favor a number of travelers to take up a self-guided trip when exploring East Africa.

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